Days.. Weeks.. Months.. and then years pass by, but the memories don't seem to go away. Sure, life happens and you get involved in different things, your daily routine changes, your habits might change, but a part of you stays clung to an area of your past that everybody has always, ever, told you to get away from.
But why do we feel that there is such a pressing need to get away from the past? I think that's because we are afraid. People say that if you live in your past, you won't be able to build a future. I don't think they could be more wrong.
Taking a part of your past with you throughout your life doesn't mean you are stagnant. You can grow at a mad pace and still hold your past with you. If you appreciate relationships, if you think memories are made to be remembered, if the word "forever" holds even little meaning for you, you'll understand what I am saying here.
Do at any point of time you love someone with a precondition that he/she stays with you for the lifetime? No, right? You just love. You just love because you never know when does that happen, and once it has happened, there's no going back. Why do we, then, talk about 'moving on' and forgetting our most precious relationships. Why can't we hold on to them as we walk through the journey called life and appreciate the time we spent in those relationships?
From where I see this world, and the way we spend our lives, I see that all of us have messed up in a pretty massive way. ALL OF US! We wake up late, rush to work, spend the day aimlessly working for others, come back late, spend a long time cursing life, and then go to bed. And in the little time that is left in our busy lives, we try to indulge in meaningless relationships.We find partners just for the sake of it, just because that's the 'trend', not because we have real feelings for the other person. The new trend of these dating apps and the like is in itself a disaster. How can you hope to find a meaningful relationship among people who are all spending hours *only* in swiping left/right on random people in hope of finding 'love'. For all I know, love just happens. You don't have to be so desperate to find it.
I chose to be 'old school' instead of being part of the mad race that is going on this world. I chose to live life holding the dearest of my memories close to my heart instead of trying to forget them. And I am glad I do this.
But why do we feel that there is such a pressing need to get away from the past? I think that's because we are afraid. People say that if you live in your past, you won't be able to build a future. I don't think they could be more wrong.
Taking a part of your past with you throughout your life doesn't mean you are stagnant. You can grow at a mad pace and still hold your past with you. If you appreciate relationships, if you think memories are made to be remembered, if the word "forever" holds even little meaning for you, you'll understand what I am saying here.
Do at any point of time you love someone with a precondition that he/she stays with you for the lifetime? No, right? You just love. You just love because you never know when does that happen, and once it has happened, there's no going back. Why do we, then, talk about 'moving on' and forgetting our most precious relationships. Why can't we hold on to them as we walk through the journey called life and appreciate the time we spent in those relationships?
From where I see this world, and the way we spend our lives, I see that all of us have messed up in a pretty massive way. ALL OF US! We wake up late, rush to work, spend the day aimlessly working for others, come back late, spend a long time cursing life, and then go to bed. And in the little time that is left in our busy lives, we try to indulge in meaningless relationships.We find partners just for the sake of it, just because that's the 'trend', not because we have real feelings for the other person. The new trend of these dating apps and the like is in itself a disaster. How can you hope to find a meaningful relationship among people who are all spending hours *only* in swiping left/right on random people in hope of finding 'love'. For all I know, love just happens. You don't have to be so desperate to find it.
I chose to be 'old school' instead of being part of the mad race that is going on this world. I chose to live life holding the dearest of my memories close to my heart instead of trying to forget them. And I am glad I do this.
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